Kamis, 15 November 2012

Selena Blocking Justin Bieber from her Life?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in Mexico, Dec  2011

Selena Gomez is totally BLOCKING Justin from her life. According to TMZ, she spent the last day blocking her phone numbers and other communication devices so Justin cannot contact her.

From TMZ: 

 Selena wants no contact with Justin, so whatever they tried hashing out during their sit-down last Sunday didn’t work. She has blocked her phone (which includes texting). For some reason, she’s still following Justin on Twitter, but she’s blocked him on all forms of contact.And … the breakup absolutely, positively involved another woman — though our sources didn’t know which one. There’s been speculation that it’s a Victoria’s Secret model. We don’t know for sure if it’s her, but we know it involves another woman.

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